Yum or Chum

A non-professional blog about canned seafood


I’ve been on a bit of a kick trying all sorts of different canned (and jarred) seafood. I wanted to track my experience and give a highly subjective rating on all of the different products I’ve tried.

I hope this can inspire you to seek out and try a few sea-treats yourself.

This site is not affiliated with any seafood producers and my opinions are my own. I just like seafood.

A Black Oystercatcher with a clam in its mouth.

Black Oystercatcher eating a clam, the canned seafood of nature.


Each canned goodie will have tasting notes. The tasting notes are meant to be my subjective experience of the product.

There will not be a numerical score assigned to the product, I will rather assign two ratings to each product: Value and Yum.


Yes, value!

Canned seafood can vary greatly in price and come in different shapes and sizes. Some products are worth the extra cash, but many others are simply not deserving of the premium price tag.

I will try and evaluate the product based on the value proposition, comparing the quality, quantity, and taste to the sticker price.

Value Stars:

The value star rating system is only a conveyance of the cost to quality/quantity ratio, and does not reflect the absolute quality of the product. A hi-end tin of Spanish mackerel may score a low star count because of its high price tag, while a tin of supermarket sardines may score highly because it’s cheap and plentiful.


Yes, yum (or chum!)

The final verdict on each canned good will be a pass/fail judgement of Yum or Chum.

Only products with a Yum rating will be eligible for value stars.

Piqued your interest?

Are you ready to dip your toes into the briny world of canned seafood?

Are you wondering about the type of mad seadog that would devote any amount of time to setting up a personal blog to talk about preserved fish?

Are you thalassophobic and prefer to stay dry while consuming the bounties of the sea?

Dive in and read on!